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The Power of the FERC EQR Report Viewer

After submitting Electric Quarterly Reports (EQRs) through Systrends’ eFileEQR software, our users often look to verify the FERC has received their submission. The FERC EQR Report Viewer is a powerful tool for companies looking to verify EQR submissions, analyze EQR data, and export previously submitted information.

Let’s dive into each use case!

Verifying Submissions

The Viewer's "Summary Reports" are ideal for quickly confirming that your data has been submitted to the FERC successfully. Simply select the "Reports" tab and the "Summary Reports" option, then search for your company name in the "Filing Organization" list. If you see your company listed, you can rest assured that the Commission has received your filing.

Analyzing Data

For more detailed insight into your EQR data, the Viewer offers several reports:

  • "Product Report" summarizes transaction data by product type, transaction quantities, charges, and average prices for a specific filing period.

  • "Customer Report" categorizes transaction data by customer.

  • "Region Report" summarizes transaction data by NERC region.

To access even more specific data, use the "Filing Inquiry Reports." For example, you can search for a seller's contracts within a particular filing period and further filter the results by customer. This allows you to view or export only the data relevant to a specific customer.

Exporting Data

If you need to retrieve all EQR data for a particular quarter, the Viewer's "Downloads" tab offers two useful options. The "Downloads/Selective Filings" tab allows you to download a zip file containing ID data, contract data, and transaction data for a quarter and year of your choosing for any entity. Alternatively, the "Quarterly Filings" tab will send you a single email containing all EQR data for an entire quarter for all companies who file EQRs.

Navigating the FERC EQR Viewer

Though the Viewer is intuitive, new users may find it helpful to familiarize themselves with its navigation. The two main tabs – "Reports" and "Downloads" – offer access to different reports and data access. To view a specific report or download EQR data, simply select one of the top tabs and one of the bottom tabs, to find the relevant report or data export you need.


FERC EQR Report Viewer


FERC EQR Downloads Viewer

Whether you need to verify your EQR submissions, analyze your data, or quickly export information, the FERC EQR Report Viewer can be a useful tool. Take some time to explore its features and discover how you can leverage it in your quarterly workflows.

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